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The Oregon Association of School Executives (OASE), COSA's superintendents' association, will conduct seven regional "Off-the-Record" meetings around Oregon this fall. Topics will include the results of the Oregon Rising public engagement campaign, the November election (including Ballot Measure 97), COSA’s 2017 legislative priorities, and more.

Sheila Roley, the new superintendent of Seaside School District and former principal of Seaside High School, has been chosen as the Bev Gladder Mentorship Award recipient by the Coalition of Oregon School Administrators.

More than 900 participants at the 42nd Annual COSA Conference in Seaside enjoyed three days of nationally-acclaimed keynote speakers, best-practices breakout sessions and conversations with colleagues from around the state.

Steve Bell, Principal of Philomath Middle School, has been named the Oregon Middle School Principal of the Year by the Oregon Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA) and the Coalition of Oregon School Administrators (COSA).

COSA is pleased to announce that Morgan Allen will join the COSA staff, starting in June. He will serve as Deputy Executive Director of Policy and Advocacy.
COSA is pleased to announce that Kris Olsen, the principal at McMinnville High School since 2003, will join the COSA staff, starting in July. He will serve as Co-Director of Professional Learning.
Margaret Calvert, principal of Portland's Jefferson High School, has been named Oregon High School Principal of the Year. The annual award honors personal excellence, collaborative leadership and a principal's proven ability to ensure a high level of instruction.
Heather Yount, principal at Fruitdale Elementary School in the Three Rivers School District, has been selected as Oregon’s 2016 National Distinguished Principal by OESPA and COSA.
The Oregon Association of Latino Administrators (OALA) is proud to announce the 2016-17 protégés for its Aspiring Administrator Leadership Program. Nine protégés were selected from across Oregon to participate in this yearlong leadership program.
Earl Boyles Elementary (David Douglas School District) Principal Ericka Guynes has been elected as COSA President-Elect for 2016-17.


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