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Aída Walqui Pre-Conference Session

Aída Walqui Pre-Conference Session

English Learners in the 8th grade ELA class: The Role of Pedagogical Materials - Textbooks play a significant role in the educational opportunities teachers offer their students to develop. In the case of English Learners, most curriculum is based on old fashioned, obsolete ideas of how students learn and the required pre-requisites for that learning. This session will model ELA materials for 8th grade currently under development to demonstrate that Multilingual Learners develop conceptual, analytic, and language practices as they engage in enticing, demanding tasks that use rich, complex texts, and are well scaffolded. The session will have participants working and analyzing moments of units and lessons for English Language Arts, with transferrable benefits to other disciplinary areas. The materials, and their evaluation, are part of an ecological portfolio of activities supported by a contract from the U.S. Department of Education to the National Research and Development Center to Improve the Education of English Learners in Secondary Schools at WestEd. Once evaluated, in 2025, these materials will be accessible to interested educators free of charge.