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November 17–18, 2016

Early Learning Conference Pre-K-3

"Building Early Childhood Partnerships for a Strong Foundation in Education"

For COSA Early Learning conference participants who received an attendance certificate to use for Office of Child Care licensing purposes from Pam Deardorff, there was a mistake on the number of hours for the breakout sessions.  They should be 1.25 hrs. instead of the 1 ½ that is on the certificate.  Also, the final session on Thursday, the Regional conversations, should have been 1 hr. instead if the indicated 1 ½ hr.  Please make those adjustments on your hard copy certificates.  The changes will be made in Oregon Registry Online when the certificates come in for licensing.  Thanks so much.  If you have questions, contact Pam Deardorff, 503-725-8527 or

Click here to download the conference program.

Click here to download session materials.

Click here to download the bilingual promotion card.

  • There will be Spanish interpretation with headsets provided during the keynote presentations.  We are also working towards providing some breakout sessions with Spanish translation. 
  • Habrá interpretación a español con auriculares durante las presentaciones claves. También estamos trabajando para poder ofrecer talleres con interpretación a español también.

  • If you need assistance with registration, please contact Sera Lockwood.

Focusing on building the capacity of P-3 professionals to support children’s social-emotional development as a core component of kindergarten readiness and school success, this conference represents a unique opportunity to bring together providers of early learning services and K-3 educators from across Oregon for a shared professional learning experience that will build on our statewide community of P-3 practice.  

Major points of emphasis:

  • Engaging families as partners in children’s learning and development
  • Building P-3 professional learning communities at the local level
  • Strategies and approaches for strengthening developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive practice 



  • Dr. Melanie Berry, Research Associate, Fisher Stress Neurobiology and Prevention Laboratory, University of Oregon and the Oregon Social Learning Center - Bio
  • Dr. Alisha Moreland, Executive Director, Avel Gordly Center for Healing at OHSU - Bio
  • Dr. Molly Branson Thayer, Director of School Age and Youth Development Programs, University of Washington, College of Education - Bio  


Building a Foundation for Achievement: How Early Experiences Shape Brain Architecture - Dr. Melanie Berry
Pre-reading: Brain Architecture

Advances in neuroscience, molecular biology and genomics now help us better understand why healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity and lifelong health. The basic architecture of the brain is constructed through a process that begins early in life, continues into adulthood, and is powerfully affected by the experiences and environment of relationships in which children develop. Learn how these early experiences are built into our bodies and brains, and about the complex set of skills scientists believe are foundational for success in school and in life. 





Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel
8235 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 281-2500


Conference participants are encouraged to carpool, over flow parking is available in the Hampton Hotel parking near the Sheraton.


Click here to view the agenda.


Click here for directions.


Conference participants are encouraged to carpool, over flow parking is available in the Hampton Hotel parking near the Sheraton.


Click here to make your room reservations at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel.  

Conference participants are encouraged to car pool, over flow parking is available in the Hampton Hotel parking and the park and fly near the Sheraton.