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August 4–6, 2020

2020 Summer Conference (Virtual)


Preparing for Our New Year

Click here to view the conference program.
Click here to view recorded videos. If you do not have your password, contact us.

Our Summer Conference this year is a virtual experience designed for school/district teams from throughout the state to learn, collaborate, and problem solve locally around the high-priority topics centering on equity and inclusive practice for all.

The major organizers are State and Local Guidance, Distance Learning, Social Emotional Learning and Instructional Practices.  Participants will be able to select from 36 breakouts and use the information and materials to plan for the year ahead.

The conference will be hosted on the Zoom platform, and COSA's CrowdCompass application will provide participants with details, including session links, scheduling capabilities and copies of speaker presentations. Session links will also be sent to registrants by email the afternoon before the conference day. Participants will be able to access session materials for inservice needs for up to 30 days after the event. COSA will provide participants with instructions on accessing this password-protected page after the conference is over. 


Featured Keynote Speakers:

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August 4th Breakout Sessions:

  • 1 - Supporting Students Experiencing Disabilities
  • 1 - Ready Schools, Safe Learners: Operational Blueprints and Navigating the Year Ahead 
  • 1 - Learning from International Efforts
  • 2 - Serving students under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): Spotlight on Title IA
  • 2 - Comprehensive Distance Learning: What does it mean to hold a high standards in the context of COVID-19?
  • 2 - Puzzles and Hot Topics: Attendance, Transportation, Instructional Hours
  • 3 - Supporting Emergent Bilinguals: Spotlight on Title III
  • 3 - Health and Safety Protocols and In-person Parameters
  • 3 - Why Focusing on Engagement is Central to Attendance and Enrollment
  • 4 - Universal Design for Learning
  • 4 - Centering on Formative Practices and Interim Assessment in the 2020-21 School Year
  • 4 - Navigating Budget Choices and Challenges

August 5th Breakout Sessions:

  • 1 - Opportunities for Re-engineering Learning as We Prepare for Comprehensive Distance Learning
  • 1 - A Day in the Life of an online Teacher/Student/Learning Coach
  • 2 - Advancing equity: Supporting academic and social emotional learning amidst COVID
  • 2 - Using Microsoft Teams for Hybrid Learning
  • 2 - The Blended Instructional Model – a success story, College Park Academy
  • 3 - Connect, Share, Innovate with Distance Learning
  • 3 - Hot Legal Topics:  Reopening of Schools 
  • 3 - Classroom in the Cloud: Supporting Best Practices for Virtual Instruction
  • 4 - Extra Inning Work Session with COSA Experts
  • 4 - Using Google for Hybrid Learning

August 6th Breakout Sessions:

  • 1 - Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning Roadmap for Reopening School
  • 1 - Resources and Strategies to Provide Continuous Literacy Learning Focused on the Whole Child
  • 1 - Reopening Schools with a Focus on SEL and Equity
  • 2 - From the Beginning: Grow Early Mindsets and SEL  
  • 2 - An Integrated Model of Mental and Emotional Health
  • 2 - Cutting Through the Noise: Practical Strategies for Leading Safe and Successful Schools Through a Pandemic
  • 3 - Reopening Districts with a Focus on SEL and Equity
  • 3 - How to Pour from a Full Cup: A Principal’s Perspective on SEL, Mindfulness and Self-Care for the School Leader
  • 3 - Leading for Equity – The Intersection of Research, Policy, and Practice


Tuesday through Thursday Schedule:
8:00 to 9:30 am - Welcome/Introduction/Keynote Address
9:30 to 9:45 am - Break
9:45 to 10:45 am - Breakout Session – Round I
10:45 to 11:11am - Break
11:00 to 12:00 am - Breakout Session – Round II
12:00 to 1:00 pm - Lunch
1:00 to 2:00 pm - Breakout Session – Round III
2:00 to 2:15 pm - Break
2:15 to 3:15 pm - Breakout Session – Round IV


Extended Workshops / Academies:


Conference Sponsors:

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